أول صحيفة سعـودية تصــدرعلـى شبكـة الانتــرنت صحيفة يومية تصدرها مؤسسة الجزيرة للصحافة والطباعة والنشر

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Monday 14th May,2001 العدد:10455الطبعةالاولـي الأثنين 20 ,صفر 1422

الصفحة التعليمية

ماضي بسيط Past Simple:
We use past simple when we can give a time of date in the past.
نستخدم الماضي البسيط عندما يمكننا إعطاء وقت محدد ويمكن ان نقسم الأفعال الى نوعين:
أفعال عادية Regular verbs
الفعل العادي هو الفعل الذي يمكن اضافة )ied ed d له كما سيوضح(
)1( نزيد على الفعل )d( اذا انتهى بحرف )e(
ex: smile smiled / arrive arrived
)2( نزيد )ed( على الفعل غير المنتهي بحرف )e(
visit visited /play played
)3( نزيد )ied( على الفعل المنتهي بحرف )y( مسبوق بحرف ساكن نحذف )y( ونضع )ied(
carry carried /study studied
أفعال شاذة Irregular verbs
هي الأفعال غير المنتظمة ولا تنتهي )ed( وليس لها قاعدة سوى الحفظ مثال ذلك:
buy- bought go-went
is - wa are - were
write - wrote become - became
build - built come - came
eat - ate fly - flew
keep - kept teach - taught
العلامات الدالة على الزمن مثال ذلك : )أمس( yesterday) ماضي( last week, month, year, منذ .ago
كيف يأتي السؤال عن هذا الزمن؟
صحح Ex: Shakespeare )Live( about hundred years ago )correct(
Shakespeare lived about hundred years ago.
في حالة تكوين السؤال عن هذا الزمن. اذا كان بالجملة أحد الأفعال المساعدة في الماضي مثال ذلك: was were had could would should might ought to had to
ففي هذه الحالة يسبق الفعل المساعد على الفاعل مثال ذلك:
)اسأل ب Ask with How(
Ex: The stories were rewritten
How were the stories rewritten?
أما اذا لم يوجد في الجملة فعل من الأفعال السابقة نضع )did( ويرد الفعل الى أصله.
EX: Dickens wrote Great Expectation. )Make a question with when(
When did Dickens write Great Expectation?
Unit 1. Grammar The conditional Clause - )IF(
Past simple would + verb 1
)d - ed - ied irregular verb(.
Ex: If he worked hard, he would succeed.
Ex: If he ran fast, he would catch the train.
1- If Earth )not have( an atmosphere, there would not be any life on it.
- If Earth did not have an atmosphere, there would not be any life on it.
* Write the correct form of the verb in brackets. )Correct(
1- If I )be( you, I would read as much as possible.
2- Noura would see the new books if she )go( to the library.
The Past Perfect Tense:
They He had + V3
you She
we It
P.Perfect pastsimple
had + v3, )d,ed -ied irregular verb(
1- After the man )go( to Australia, he became wealthy. )Correct(
- After the man had gone to Australia, he became wealthy.
Past simple Past perfect
)d - ed - ied irregular verb(, had + v3
1- Before he died, he )sentence( to death. )correct(
Before he died, he had sentenced to death.
* Correct the following:
1- He )lose( his new watch shortly after he )buy( it.
2- He )return( home after he )leave( the office.
3- After he )give( some food to the prisoner, he was recaptured.
I already )finish( my work before my friends )arrive(.


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