أول صحيفة سعـودية تصــدرعلـى شبكـة الانتــرنت صحيفة يومية تصدرها مؤسسة الجزيرة للصحافة والطباعة والنشر

الطبعة الثانيةالطبعةالثالثةاختر الطبعة

Monday 14th May,2001 العدد:10455الطبعةالاولـي الأثنين 20 ,صفر 1422

الصفحة التعليمية

Passive with Past perfect
Affected subject + had + been + V3 + by + agent.
Ex: Ali had watched the new films. )Passive(
- The new films had been watched by Ali.
Ex: After Noura had brought up Ali, he went to London.
After Ali had been brought up by Noura, he went to London )Passive(.
- Do as shown in brackets:
1- Dickens wrote Great Expectation. )Ask when(
2- Shakespeare wrote King Lear. )Change into passive(
3- If I )be( you, I would read as much as possible. )Correct(
4- When did Ali write those letters? )Passive(
5- After they had sent the man to Australia, he became very rich )Passive(.
6- Before he died, he )sentence( to death. )Correct(.

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